Debosmita Samanta

Debosmita Samanta, hailing from West Bengal, explores societal perceptions of women and their identities through her artwork, delving into the psychological and emotional dimensions of womanhood within the context of society. Drawing inspiration from lived experiences, memories, and personal mythologies, her paintings serve as narratives rich with metaphors and deeper meanings, often featuring family members as characters who embody various roles. Her landscapes, imbued with layers of memories and personal narratives, evoke a sense of presence in absence, blending observations from road trips with elements of fantasy and imagination.
With a B.V.A in Painting from Burdwan University and an M.F.A from Hyderabad University, Debosmita’s artistic journey has been punctuated by numerous exhibitions and accolades, including group shows like ‘Mirror Mirror on the Wall’ in Delhi and ‘Reverence’ in Chennai. She has also curated programs such as the ‘Art Souk’ at the University of Hyderabad and contributed articles on art and culture to platforms like the Museum of Material Memory. Currently based in Hyderabad, Telangana, she continues to weave intricate narratives through her art, capturing the essence of womanhood and societal dynamics.


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